Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You make me rant on and on about nothing

your mind doesnt want to let your heart CARE for me.
the thought of LOVING me intimidates you.
It bothers you so much your heart shivers timidly at the sound of my name.
Because my name is a mere label to the greatness within me.
Your so used to dissapointment that you rather pass up my shine
and just go off to a lonely and DULL place.
you dont want to put effort in me... because i require more effort then you could ever know.
your heart fears my name. cause my name is the ont that makes your heart beat faster and your palms sweat a little more then usual.
MY name is the name you dont wanna hear cause im the girl of your dreams...
you rather just have some random playmate then the real deal.
its succh a sad story.
you've programed your MIND not to CARE for me.

dear you, i wish you well love, me.