Friday, November 6, 2009

Beyonce..Beautiful Nightmare???

okay so yesterday beyonce performed her song sweet dreams. i know she's been rocking the leotard thing and stuff and it's like her own thing. and im excited to see her and lady gaga collaborate and them BOTH wearing leotards lol BUT i just think this was a bit too much. like the darring v neck and stockings was little off the wall like she's always classy but this time around i was so happy with her outfit. she still carries herself with class. just the outfit itself wasn't so classy. but thats show business and thats how the industry works at most times.

IM just saying this was the first time ive actual had to like smh at beyonce.
i think the fact that the entire outfit was red. and she wore a red lip so red lips and stockings gives off sexy. if it was white or black or even blue it wouldn't give off such a overly sexy look.